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Rhinoplasty Center

RHINOPLASTY center of excellence

Are you feeling dissatisfied with the appearance of your nose? Do you struggle with breathing due to certain signs or symptoms? If this sounds familiar, consider opting for nose surgery atDr. Soliman Fakeeh Hospital Jeddah where you can receive top-notch treatment from the best in the industry.

The increasing popularity of rhinoplasty in Saudi Arabia reflects a broader global trend towards cosmetic enhancement and self-care. With the availability of skilled plastic surgeons and state-of-the-art medical facilities in major cities across Saudi Arabia further facilitates the accessibility of rhinoplasty procedures.

Welcome to the premier destination for Rhinoplasty in SaudiArabia!

Our hospital provides comprehensive information and exceptional care for nose reshaping procedures.In addition, we are committed to providing medical education and training opportunities for both students and doctors alike.                


Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure designed to alter the shape of the nose. This surgery may be pursued for cosmetic reasons to enhance the appearance of the nose, to address breathing difficulties, or a combination of both.

The nose comprises bone in its upper portion and cartilage in its lower section. Rhinoplasty has the capability to modify bone, cartilage, skin, or a combination of these elements.Consultation with your surgeon is crucial to determine if rhinoplasty is suitable for your needs and what outcomes can be expected.

Factors such as your facial features, nasal skin condition, and desired changes are taken into account during the planning phase of the procedure. If you are deemed a suitable candidate for rhinoplasty, your surgeon will create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific goals.


Rhinoplasty stands as one of the most sought-after surgical procedures across the US, as well as in Saudi Arabia and various parts of the Middle East. Have you found yourself increasingly self-conscious about the shape of your nose? If so, you may be a prime candidate for rhinoplasty.

Rhinoplasty is done in one or more of the following types of Noses: Large nose, Bulky nose, Deviated,Oblique, Crooked, fractured, Revision, Finesse, Ethnic , Pediatrics and other special conditions like congenital, anomalies and rare syndrome.


Prior to undergoing rhinoplasty, our surgeons will furnish you with comprehensive instructions and recommendations.Typically, patients are advised to refrain from eating or drinking after the evening before the scheduled surgery day.

For smokers, cessation of smoking is a prerequisite for rhinoplasty. In support of this, we offer resources and assistance to aid in smoking cessation. Smoking not only poses health risks but also impedes blood circulation to the skin, which can hamper wound healing and increase the risk of necrosis. It is strongly advised to abstain from smoking during the preoperative period, as these substances can hinder the healing process.

The preoperative phase serves to equip patients for a seamless surgery and recovery journey. While potential complications such as bleeding, swelling, and bruising may arise, proactive measures can help mitigate these risks. We advocate for the avoidance of caffeine and smoking for at least one month prior to surgery to optimize outcomes and minimize potential complications.

Rhinoplasty procedures come in various forms, with the primary distinctions being between open and closed techniques, collectively referred to as primary rhinoplasty. Additionally, secondary and filler rhinoplasties are also common variations.


This approach is a significant procedure for reshaping the nose. Incisions are typically made in a vertical strip of skin, known as the columella, creating a clear separation for the nostrils. The surgeon then lifts the soft tissues and skin to gain access to the nasal structures, providing better visibility of the nasal anatomy.

Open Rhinoplasty is mainly done in revision cases were noses are badly deformed from previous surgeries. Some surgeons may prefer to do open Rhinoplasty as a primary aesthetic surgery.There was worldwide popularity of open, Rhinoplasty primary surgery,  in the last three decades , then it was realized that it has many disadvantages : 

  • Creating unsightly, external scars,
  • The use of many external drafts, inside the nose, which, therefore, feels stiff and loses it natural softness and many of its functions in facial expressions and respiration.


Also known as preservation scar-free surgery. This is the most widely accepted technique worldwide, this technique involves making incisions inside the nose. The surgeon then separates the skin from the cartilage and bone, forming a supportive framework.Once the nasal anatomy is exposed, the surgeon can proceed to reshape or rearrange the cartilage and bone to achieve the desired new shape.

Also known as scarlessRhinoplasty. This is the original technique for aesthetic Rhinoplasty.  Incisions are purely made inside the nose, no external scar i.e. scarless surgery.  All modern Rhinoplasty techniques are moving towards preservation endo nasal techniques. With the new discovery of nasal structures aesthetic. Rhinoplasty is best done scarlessly endo nasal.

This has many advantages:

  • no external scars,
  • shorter duration of surgery, and shorter recovery.
  • Swelling of the nose is less.
  • nose keeps Its own identity and its nasal print nose.
  • Feels naturally soft and keeps its normal functions of breathing and facial expressions.


Dr. Motaz H. A. Shafy F.R.C.S. a clinician and an author holds the following degrees: MBBCh, Cairo University; FRCS RCPSG (Glasgow); and FRCS (Edinburgh). Throughout his career, he has undertaken training and held consultancy posts in the United Kingdom, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Dr. Shafy’s previous roles included: House Surgeon and Physician, Cairo University Hospi tals; Senior House Officer in ENT Surgery, Stobhill General Hospital, Teaching Hospital Glasgow University; Registrar, Senior Registrar, The Royal National Throat Nose and Ear Hospital, London; Consultant ENT Surgeon positions at Chase Farm Hospital, London; Consultant ENT Surgeon King Abdul Aziz University Hospital and Daghastani Hospital Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; Consultant ENT Surgeon in Shafy Clinics, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Shafy Center, Giza, Egypt. Dr Shafy’s main areas of clinical interest are the preservation of Aesthetic Rhinoplasty and Examination

More insights into the latest techniques and innovations in Rhinoplasty, explore the authored books by Dr. Motaz.

Dr. Motaz H.A Shafy

DESCRIPTION: An invaluable asset for cosmetic and reconstructive surgeons at every stage of training and expertise.

What if I am not happy with the result of the surgery?

This is rare, especially with the thorough study that the surgeon does before, during, and after the surgery.

But often, expectations are far from reality, as the person's dreams go far.

For example:

They may imagine a specific shape of the nose, or sometimes they may see themselves as becoming like a certain famous person.

Sometimes there are simple things like:

A protrusion somewhere, or a curvature or bulge in the nasal bones. All of this can be easily fixed under local or general anesthesia at the hospital on the same day.

Does the nose continue to grow after surgery?

On the contrary, modern surgeries and new procedures invented by Dr. Moataz Abdel Shafi, which completely remove fat from the tip of the nose. The nose do not increase in size with age or with pregnancy.

Also, the bones of the nose do not grow back after being reduced in size by surgery.

Is it possible to wear glasses after surgery and when?

Yes, it is possible to wear glasses after surgery. However, it is recommended to wear glasses with temples (the part that goes over the nasal  bridge of the nose) instead of glasses that rest directly on the nasal brindge

When will we see the new shape after the surgery?

A splint is placed on the nose from the outside to prevent swelling after the surgery and to keep the tissues in place.

When the splint is removed after a week, the nose will be slightly swollen and there will be some swelling around the eyes, but the external appearance of the nose will show the changes that were made during the surgery. The shape of the nose will gradually improve over time, with continuous improvement especially after the first month of the surgery. However, the nose will take its final shape after about six months to a year after the surgery, especially the tip of the nose.

How long does the operation take and how long I’m going to stay at the hospital?

The procedure takes about two hours under general anesthesia. A splint is then placed on the surface of the nose from the outside, and there is a wick inside the nose for 24 hours. After that, the patient is discharged from the hospital.

After one week, the patient returns to the outpatient clinic to have the external splint removed.

Is the Rhinoplasty operation painful?

The procedure is performed under general anesthesia, so you will not feel any pain during the surgery itself.

During the procedure, the sensory nerves around the nose are numbed, so you will not feel any real pain after the surgery.

However, there may be a feeling of pressure on the face due to the packing inside the nose and the external splint. Packing is removed after 24hrs.

With pain medication and relaxation, you will feel comfortable.

Can other cosmetic procedures be done with the nose, such as the lips, cheeks, and jaw?

Of course, other small cosmetic procedures can be done with the nose, such as increasing or decreasing the size of the lips, chin, or jaw.

Can Rhinoplasty improve airflow and nasal breathing?

Airway patency is given great importance during the procedure. In many cases, the nasal septum may be deviated outside its natural path or fractured as a result of an accident.

Is there any visible external wound on the nose?

Rhinoplasty is performed from inside the nose without any external wounds. The only exception is when it comes to reducing wide nostrils, which is done through two incisions at the base of the nose. These incisions are hidden and never appear.

Does the shape of the nose change too much after surgery?

Modern nose reshaping techniques aim to improve the shape of the nose without losing the identity or fingerprint of the nose or face, and without giving the appearance of a surgical nose.

This means that the person retains their known appearance with a clear improvement in the aesthetic degree of the face and nose, especially in terms of shape, size, and feel.

The nose appears very natural without any visible signs of surgery. In many cases, people believe that the person has undergone a diet, which is why the nose has become more beautiful.

When can the operation be done under local and when under general Anesthesia?

Certain limited procedures can be performed under local anesthesia, especially in the lower third of the nose.

However, it is not comfortable to perform a full cosmetic surgery under local anesthesia, especially when dealing with the nasal bones. General anesthesia is now very safe, and the results of surgery are better under general anesthesia.

What are the complications of Rhinoplasty? - Are there any complications with Rhinoplasty?

There may be swelling in the nose and around the eyes, and there may be bruising of the skin. However, all of this improves gradually over days or weeks until it disappears.

Rarely, bleeding may occur immediately after surgery or after about a week.

In this case, either a wick is placed inside the nose or the bleeding site is cauterized under local or general anesthesia.

Internal and external wound infections are very rare.

They can be easily overcome with proper wound care and the use of appropriate antibiotics.

Is there any danger during surgery?

There is no surgery without risks.

However, it is reassuring that the doctor studies the case thoroughly clinically. He also studies the images very carefully and then works out a specific plan, writing down the steps in detail.

The anesthesiologist is also always at the highest level, as are the assistants from nurses and technicians.

All this reduces the risk ratio to the very minimum.

What is the ideal age for a nose job?

The person must be physically and psychologically mature.

1. from 15 to 16 years old:

• The body may be fully developed, but there are other factors to consider:

o The person may be physically mature but not psychologically mature. In these cases, the surgery is postponed until they can psychologically accept the changes in the shape of the nose.

o On the other hand, there may be a person of the same age who is psychologically and mentally mature and is emotionally upset about the shape of the nose. In this case, it is preferable to do the surgery early so that they are not psychologically affected in this critical year. Delaying here may harm their psyche and social relationships.

2. Children: There are two cases for surgery in children under 15 years of age:

• A broken nasal bone: It must be repaired early so that the child does not become self-conscious about the crooked nose at this young age.

• Wide and noticeable nostrils in a way that may lead to bullying, as is the case with some African and Asian noses. Here, limited surgery is possible without affecting the growth of the nose.

3. Older adults: There is no upper age limit for a nose job as long as general health is good and there are no medical contraindications.

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