Dr. Alaaeldin Mahmoud Mohamed is General dentist at Dr. Soliman Fakeeh Hospital, Dr. Alaaeldin provide the following service:
Determine dental treatment plan
Intra oral and radiographic examination of dental problems
Restoration of the carious teeth
Root canal treatment
Dental prosthesis
Bachelor of dental medicine and oral surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, Alexandria, Egypt, 2001.
Membership in American academy of implant dentistry.
General dentist, Alexandria university hospitals, Alexandria, Egypt, 2001-2002.
General dentist, Ministry of Health hospitals, Red sea governorate, Egypt, 2002-2004.
Medical director and general dentist, Al-Amal Medical dispensary, Bisha, KSA, 2004-2008.
General dentist, Dr. Soliman Fakeeh Hospital, Jeddah, KSA, 2008-till now
American Academy of implant dentistry, Partial fellowship