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Dr. Amr Aly Ismail KeeraDr. Amr Aly Ismail Keera

Dr. Amr Aly Ismail Keera

DSFH Jeddah
Consultant Anesthesiologist
Arabic, English
27 years

Core competencies

  • Proficient in the anesthetic management of all varieties of surgeries form simple to high risk complicated cases, including extrem preterm babies and bariatric patients.
  • Confident in obstetric anesthesia, pediatric anesthesia, neuro-anesthesia, anesthesia for renal transplantation, and thoracic anesthesia.
  • Expert in both adult and pediatric spinal anesthesia, epidural anesthesia/analgesia and caudal anesthesia.
  • Proficient in doing and teaching ultrasound guided nerve blocks.
  • Expert in doing and teaching fiber-optic intubation even for the most difficult cases for adults and pediatrics.
  • Expert in doing and teaching ultrasound vascular access including central line insertion to extrem preterm babies.

Brief Profile

I have both the MD and European diploma of anesthesia and intensive care with full liscence to practice in the UK. I have been trained in Benha University Hospitals and I am an assistant professor there. I have been tained also in many ather big hospitals in Egypt including Cairo University Hospitals. I have 12 publications.