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Dr. Fadel MahdiDr. Fadel Mahdi

Dr. Fadel Mahdi

DSFH Jeddah, DSFH Basateen
consultant, Pediatrics
Arabic , English

Dr. Fadel Mahdi is a consultant, Pediatrics at DSFMC.


Pediatric specialist at College of Physicians- Lebanon from 1984 to 1988.

Pediatric consultant at Saudi Commission of Health Specialties from 1988 to present.


Dr. Fadel Mahdi has obtained his  Bachelor degree of Medicine from University of Seville,  Spain in 1980 followed by obtaining the  Specialty in Pediatrics in 1984 in  addition to completing a Diploma in child health from the same university  in 1983. Dr. Fadel Mahdi  has also obtained the  Master degree in pediatrics in 1990 from University of Seville,  Spain in 1990 followed by getting the PHD degree in pediatrics in  1992.

Work Experience:

Dr. Fadel Mahdi  started his career as a Pediatric specialist at  Labib Medical Center Saida, Lebanon from 1984 to 1988 followed by working  as a Pediatric specialist at King Khalid National Guard hospital, Jeddah, KSA from 1989 to 1994 then worked as a Consultant at the Pediatric department at GNP Hospital, Jeddah, KSA from 1995 to 2006 and as a Consultant in the Pediatric department at Tala Medical Clinic from 2006 to 2013 and as a Consultant in the Pediatric department at First Clinic, Jeddah, KSA  from 2014 to 2020م.