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Dr. Soliman Fakeeh Hospital in Jeddah is among the top three 5-star hospitals in the Middle East and North Africa

Dr. Soliman Fakeeh Hospital in Jeddah continues to strengthen its leadership position in the healthcare sector in...

Dr. Soliman Fakeeh Hospital in Jeddah continues to strengthen its leadership position in the healthcare sector in Saudi Arabia by achieving a 5-star rating in the"Global Hospital Rating" by Newsweek and Statist a. With this accomplishment, the hospital rates among the top 3 hospitals in the Middle Eastand North Africa to receive this prestigious global recognition.

The “Global Hospital Rating” is based on five key categories:

  • Provision of Care – Quality of medical services, staffing, and patient management
  • Timeliness of Care – Waiting times and service efficiency
  • Patient Experience & Safety – Hygiene, infection prevention, and patient satisfaction
  • IT & Healthcare Technology – Digital infrastructure and medical technology
  • Employer Attractiveness – Staff development and workplace environment

Data was collected and performance indicators in these areas were analyzed and compared with international standards by the globally renowned firm, "Statist a."

As part of its ongoing achievements, the hospital has recently maintained its title as the Best Private Hospital in the SaudiArabia for the fourth consecutive year. Additionally, it ranked second among all hospitals, both government and private, following King Faisal SpecialistHospital and Research Center in Riyadh, according to the 2025 Newsweek World'sBest Hospitals ranking.

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