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Reshaping the Future of Breast Cancer Treatment at Dr. Soliman Fakeeh Hospital

Skin-Preserving Mastectomy and Silicone Implants: A New Era in Breast Cancer Surgery & Reconstruction

The breast diseases surgery department at Dr. Soliman Fakeeh Hospital in Jeddah, under the supervision of Dr. Hanaa Tashkandi, Specialist General Surgery and Dr. Zaher Fadel, Specialist Cosmetic and Restorative Surgery, successfully performed a pioneering procedure by removing both breasts while preserving the external skin of a 30-year-old woman. This groundbreaking surgery is called a bilateral mastectomy with skin preservation.

The patient has sickle cell anemia and hereditary breast cancer. Genetic tests showed that she has a BRCA mutation,which increases her risk of developing breast cancer. The doctors first treated the woman's cancer, which caused the tumors to shrink. Then, they removed her breasts and reconstructed them using silicone implants. The surgery was a remarkable success, and the woman did not have any complications related to her sickle cell anemia and has paved the way for innovative breast cancer treatment approaches.

Dr. Hanaa Tashkandi, Specialist in General Surgery And Breast Tumor, explained that hereditary breast cancer makes up about 10% ofall breast tumor cases. Many people think that breast cancer always requires a mastectomy, but Dr. Tashkandi said that in some cases, it is possible to remove the tumor without removing the entire breast. Even when a mastectomy is necessary, it is possible to save the skin and nipple and replace the removed breast tissue with a silicone implant.

Dr. Fatih Mehmet Gul, CEO of Dr. Soliman Fakeeh Hospital, commented on this groundbreaking achievement, stating,"This remarkable success demonstrates the dedication and expertise of our medical team at DSFH. We are committed to pushing the boundaries of medical innovation and providing our patients with the best possible care. The Preservation of external skin during a bilateral mastectomy is a significant advancement in breast cancer treatment, and it exemplifies our hospital's mission to offer new hope to patients facing complex medical conditions."

A family member of the patient, who wishes to remain anonymous, shared their thoughts, saying, "We are very thankful for the great care and skill of the medical team at Dr. Soliman Fakeeh Hospital. This surgery not only saved our loved one from the problems of hereditary breast cancer, but it also gave her new hope and confidence. It is areal blessing.”

This extraordinary success story highlights the exceptional dedication and expertise of the medical team at Dr. Soliman Fakeeh Hospital. The hospital continues to be a leading institution in medical innovation and patient care, offering new hope to individuals facing complex medical conditions.

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